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ACF filter box in the car

Professor Isao Mochida
Professor Seong-Ho Yoon

ACF filter box in the car

[ Title of Cooperative Research Project ]

Urgent Application and Successive Back-up of the Activated Carbon Fibers and Nano Fibers for the Conservation of Atmospheric Environment in Japan and China.

[ Research Leader ]

Research Leader in Japanese Research Team:Isao Mochida,
Organization: Kyushu University
Research Leader in Chinese Research Team:Feiyu Kang,
Organization: Tsinghua University

[ Period of Cooperative Research ]

2008/1/1~2010/3/31 (2.25 years)

[ Fund ]

25,000,000 Yen (Japan side)

The aims of this co-operational research program are:

(1)  Urgent application of activated carbon fibers and nano fibers in Beijing and Fukuoka, to reduce SOx, NOx and particulates in the busy traffic areas.
(2) Further improvement of their performance by solving surface nanostructure of such carbon materials and designing high performance fibers.

The cooperation of Japan and China research groups in the collection of carbon, catalysts, hydrodynamic and environment experts in both countries, is essential for achieving these objectives.

Expected Outcome of the Present Proposal

  • Our research program solves the urgent issues of atmospheric environment in both countries. Future science and technology of carbon and environmental protection through them are uniquely and clearly designed. The present groups have worked intimately together with Osaka Gas, the manufacturer of pitch based activated carbon fiber, and with Mitsubishi Heavy Industry, the manufacturer of DeSOx process. The new types of DeSOx and DeNOx processes are applicable to the urgent requirement for the improvements in atmospheric air quality, conversions and further performances achieved in the successive researches can solve the global issues of atmospheric pollution. Further progress growth in the surface science of carbon, in terms of its atomic and nano structure, is also expected to create a new field of functional carbon materials. The established advantages of Japanese industries and universities in this field are smoothly transferred to be practically applied in China through this cooperation. The successive researches will always have inherent aspects of cooperation and competition for new developments, in both groups and in both countries.
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