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Remote Sensing

Professor Kiyohumi Yumoto

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Space Environment Research Center, Kyushu University (SERC) is deploying the ground-based network of MAGDAS magnetometer and ionospheric Doppler radar from the polar region to the magnetic equator, and constructing the integrated global network in cooperation with NIPR (the National Institute of Polar Research), RISH (Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere of Kyoto University) and STEL (Solar Terrestrial Environment Laboratory of Nagoya University). This research contributes to better understanding of Global Warming and Climate Change.


With respect to vital remote earth sensing, Kyushu University, NIPR, Kyoto University and Nagoya University have formed the core research unit in Japan. Through decades, these four institutes have established respective observatories that have collected a massive amount of data on global currents, plasma, atmospheric neutral wind, etc.


Throughout the world and throughout this year (2007), there are international events (IHY, eGY, IPY, etc.) to commemorate and celebrate the great event of IGY, which took place exactly fifty years ago. There is a concerted global effort this year to identify and use the critical databases that have been established by the key research centers of the world. The Upper Atmosphere acts as “protective coat” to obstruct cosmic rays, while Global Cooling is enhanced in the Upper Atmosphere in association with Global Warming on the Earth surface.

Academic Benefits

We can understand electromagnetic couplings of Atmosphere-Plasmasphere-Heliosphere and Global Cooling in the Upper Atmosphere. These results shed more light on climate issues, which are attracting more and more attention in government and media circles.

Social Benefits

For society to feel more at ease with our planet and our living environments, we need better understandings of both. To achieve this, society needs to explore the upper atmosphere on a more long-term basis, using both ground-based remote sensing techniques and space-based methods. This is not science just for us --- it is vital science for our grandchildren.

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